Witch One Of This Solutions You chose ????

dimanche 22 décembre 2013

Posted by Unknown on 08:52 in , , | No comments
Each year wait for spring. The smell in the air with all that comes to life at the same time is truly magical . As I 'm basking in the glory of what is to come , my thoughts inevitably leads to the darkest of spring , which is next thunderstorms . The spring and summer storms are not only a very stressful thing for people but may also be a fear for your dog.I know every dog has no fear of them . In fact, you can probably safely say that most dogs are not (I had a Pug who liked to go outside when it was storming ) . However, a minority of dogs that are affected with this fear can not only make sick stress can also make it uncomfortable for their owners. This is just a short list of some of the anxieties that your dog may experience:

increased wheezing
Increased salivation
Temporary loss of bladder or bowel function
temporary confusionLast Collie that had had most of these symptoms. She was absolutely petrified. Of all the dogs that had she was the only one with this problem. I bought it when I was about six months old , and I've often wondered what happened in those first months of his life that would cause absolute terror she suffered from for the rest of your time on this earth ( who died early this spring ) . Through trial and error , I found some things that may reduce some ( certainly not all) of suffering from stress . Maybe these tips can help if you have the same problem with dog:

The first thing to remember is not to punish your dog for this behavior. Your dog can not help it. I know it's easy to lose patience, but you should not.
Bring it from the outside. I had a basement I let my dog ​​stay in until the storm passed. Make it as comfortable as possible without making a soft bed towels or an old blanket for her to lay on . Put something comforting her as his chew toy , rawhide bone ... etc. Often my dog peed on the floor or around herself . Ideally it would be best to limit somewhere with cement floor for easy cleaning , if possible.
If your dog is crate trained , put the box in their area of ​​temporary confinement . This will provide an additional level of comfort if it rises and can "hide" .
Ask any additional noise that may in order to drown out the noise of thunder . I used to turn on the clothes dryer. Also located in a place with no windows so I could not see the beam .
If I had enough time before the storm , I will give you a medication allergy OTC benadryl as a tablet . This would make your dream and take some of the edge. I talked to my vet before doing this and told me it was safe.As I mentioned earlier , my dog ​​is gone. However, when I hear an overload of storm that I can not help thinking of it ... and the fact that I did everything I could to help her. If you have a dog that is afraid of thunderstorms, trying to make it as comfortable as possible when the situation arises. Maybe then you will not, but someday you'll be glad you did.

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