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samedi 28 décembre 2013

Posted by Unknown on 08:59 | No comments
How to let the dogs you love them,dog
Depending on how close attention you pay for your pets , you might be surprised how dogs can be insightful regarding your behavior. Because most dogs are so eager to meet your needs , here are some tips to help you show your dog that you love .

Firstly , animals and keep your dog in a loving way . One of the best ways each of us can show care and appreciation is a simple hug or pat on the back . Touch is not just a physical feeling. Touch is very well connected to our emotions of love and acceptance , and it operates at a higher level between dogs and humans because we can not talk directly to each other.

To apply this technique to your dog , try to leave the place next to your or sit on your lap ( if they are small ) . You can also gently caress for no reason at all . The reasoning is important here. Do not pet your dog when he 's good . Show your dog that you love him / her , even when they do nothing . In the same vein , greet your dog when you see them with a hug - especially when you have not seen them for a long time .

Another way to show affection to your dog is to take a walk. Unfortunately this is an area most pet owners neglect . Walks are a source of pleasure for most dogs, but more importantly , a walk can be a way to connect with your dog through mutual activity you throw together . For example, it is not you simply take a stick and have your dog look . However, it is an activity that you both as one.

A third way to show your dog you love is to surprise everyone from time to time with different types of sweets. An example of this could be as simple as giving them a processing novice (or other preferred treatment of dog they have ) or take them to visit other friends of dog they have . Who knows, maybe you even get a companion to keep them company .

The last method I would like to discuss is to talk to your dog. Dogs like for you to contact them and if you give reassurance speak in a "good" voice, you let them know they are in your favor , which is something they enjoy.

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