Witch One Of This Solutions You chose ????

samedi 28 décembre 2013

Posted by Unknown on 09:05 | No comments
Love me , love my dog,dog
When you fall for someone, you always hope that it is the only and the relationship will be forever. The problem is that you are getting what you share your new significant other . No, this is not some sort of polygamous situation , your new partner has a dog, and you do not know that you are "love me , love my dog" shot.

Do not laugh , animals can cause considerable friction between couples , especially when one member of the pair has a strong attachment to the animal ( or vice versa), and the other element does not work. What if a partner does not even like animals, but the other is devoted to their pet ? There are things that both members of the couple can do to make the relationship more harmonious .

For the pet owner , try to remember that the new person in your life does not have the relationship with your pet that you do, and can not see what is so "great" animal first. They were not there when your pet you comforted during illness , or made ??you smile after a really difficult day. They will need time to warm to your pet - and your pet will need time to warm up to them. Make sure your pet is well-behaved when your new significant presence of the other . Obedience classes for dogs may be necessary if the behavior is a real problem. Do not force your pet to your new boyfriend or girlfriend, but allow the relationship to develop slowly.

To the new partner , try and remember that this animal is very important for the new person in your life. Just because you do not share this depth of feeling does not mean that you have the right to reject it . Our feelings for our pets are some of the most powerful and visceral in our lives, often similar to emotions we have for our children. Make an effort to learn about the animal, but do not force yourself on her, most animals will see if someone who is " trying too hard " , and be wary of forced emotions. Offer to do things where you can include animal behavior allows your partner , such as hiking or walking on the beach. If your new partner has a cat, have play sessions with interesting toys. Delicious treats are a great way to have a pet look forward to your presence , too.

With a little effort on both sides , a " love me , love my dog" could end up being made ??in heaven .

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