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samedi 28 décembre 2013

Posted by Unknown on 09:08 | No comments
Ways to Make Your Dog Love You,dog
If you think to be lenient on your dog and let him make his way to make your dog likes you then think again . Connections and bonds formed by dogs go well beyond food and occasional petting the dog. Love of dogs comes from an understanding that they are safe and well taken care of by their owners. A dog that is at ease with the owner when it is corrected mistaken and had plenty of time to build strong bond will become very attached to its owner.

Love is more than a feeling , it is the missing link in communication between you and your dog. How do you make your dog love you is the question a million dollars?

- Connections begin to be realized when the puppy is young. This period is generally the brand and the breakthrough time of a relationship. Spend time with the puppy , holding , caressing is an important step that will begin the process of creating a link.

- Do not punish the dog , it does not mean you let the dog get away with mistakes, rather correct , but not to use physical punishment . Dogs learn faster if they understand the reason behind what you are trying to teach them. Hitting a dog because he made a mess on the floor is unnecessary and should be avoided.

- Even if you 're busy, take a break and to spend quality time with your dog. Play a game , run or just walk around your block . This time is not the time to training you can teach your dog a trick, means

- Take authority. Dogs are pack animals who appreciate when someone takes the leadership of the pack. When you are in control of your dog will have someone to look to for guidance .

- Training: This is not for your dog loves you, but part of the process of bond formation . Training is to establish a communication channel. It is easy for your dog if you like to know what you expect of him. Correct behavior to result in praise and with a sense of accomplishment make the dog happy that you are happy with him.

- Understand your dog, it makes him happy and what is not ? What is the dog afraid of? What are their favorite games ? Favorite food? What place does it go? Dogs in many ways are like little children, like them that requires a little effort on your part to understand .

- Do not ignore your dog when you need it most , leaving your dog when he is incapacitated by injury or is suffering from a deadly disease is a very bad move on your part. If your dog served you well over the years and has been there for you through good and bad , is not it deserves the same kind of treatment?

- Finally, provide the dog with basic needs is also a good sign for the dog , it means shelter, food and good health.

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