Witch One Of This Solutions You chose ????

samedi 28 décembre 2013

Posted by Unknown on 09:02 | 2 comments
Understanding Men - Treat your man like a dog and undying devotion Get,dog
Never had a new puppy? This is a difficult business to get the best from your dog so that you both enjoy and love each other . Building a relationship of trust and reliability needs work ! Understanding puppies is the same as the understanding of men.

If you leave your new dog run free without worrying about the discipline or training , there will be shit and puddles all over the house . It is sorting something available without a care in the world and he will flee without casting a glance over his shoulder. You will most likely very happily begging for food and attention in a comfortable , welcoming remains the nearest

If you train your dog properly , he will learn where he can relieve himself and when he can not. He knows he can not run where and with whom they please . He will learn not to bite the hand that feeds .

If you go on your training in the right way, with firmness, but with great rewards for good behavior , your dog will become obedient , affectionate, loyal and your best friend .

The relationship between the owner and the dog is a trust. How can you cultivate this same trust between you and your man ? What should you do to build mutual trust ?

Here is a list of does and don'ts :

Do not be a doormat

Do not be a breeze. Let him know where you stand on the problem of slavery , infidelity , lies and being taken for granted. Be clear , be firm, but do not go on without end about it. Just as you would with a dog, let your man know where your limits are .

Tender and compassionate and sometimes show Tough Love

Be love, but never be afraid to be tough if necessary. Never let your emotions interfere with your training. No matter how cute and cuddly it is ..... it is still a dog.

Never, never tell anyone a secret Your Man told you .

If your man finds you told a secret he shared with you , there you fully trust again . In fact , the relationship may well be condemned because it will not thrive in an open relationship where he will tell you everything . Do not succumb to this act of treason

Never contradict or embarrass public .

It could act like a jerk , but your reflex and loyalty dictates that you do not express your criticism in public. If you belittle him, especially in front of his friends, he will feel and distrust you .

Never use things that you say against him

It will never trust and confide in you if he thinks he will eventually become ammunition. Do not do it.

Rein In The erratic emotions

Men simply do not understand the wild emotional swings. Neither do dogs. Keep a lid on screaming , hysteria and general emotional scandalous behavior. Pick up some evening primrose oil or something for those moments of PMT.

sexual Confidence

Consider delivering some of his sexual demands , unless they are too painful or out . You'll probably enjoy anyway, but sexual confidence is a major manufacturer of connection. Sex slave ? No. sexual confidence ? Yes.

2 commentaires:

  1. Enjoy your time together. Have fun, relax and do the things that you both love doing. Communicate with words as well as actions so that you each understands the others needs and make sure that you are really compatible on every level before committing.

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