Witch One Of This Solutions You chose ????

samedi 28 décembre 2013

Posted by Unknown on 08:55 | No comments
Anyone who shares their life with a dog knows that they area a family member . As such, they should be comfortable in your living space , including your garden. Here are some simple tips for creating a garden friendly dog that you and your best friend will love ...

What is a Dog Friendly Garden?

The most important thing to consider when creating a garden of your dog love factor are their personal habits . Your dog is curious by nature ? Do they like to dig and chew ? How much space do they need to run around and explore ?

Examine your dogs habits and research the breed if necessary. If your dog likes to dig , like a lighter, for example, you want hardy plants that are easy to replant. Similarly, if your furry friend loves to gallop full time to time, it is important to give your pet enough space to move and run.

A dog friendly garden is essentially a living space outdoors that you and your pet can enjoy. The safety of your dog is paramount if you want to choose plants that are not harmful to animals if swallowed importance . From your point of view, you do not want to constantly replace damaged plants and flowers , so consider your pets habits when choosing places to plant .

Choose your plants

When you own a dog, chances are they will be the opportunity to interact with your plants when running , extracting , or play . Choose hardy species that can withstand a little rough housing. Also, think about where your dog likes to nap and eliminate. You want your prized plants damaged by their daily routine.

If you have a boy dog ??, choose plants that are free from nitrogen in the urine. Boy dogs mark their territory , so that your plants will be sprayed now and again . Some types of plants are protected , such as viburnum and spirea . Interestingly, shrub roses are a great choice . Not only are they strong and sturdy , but they are virtually immune to dog urine .

After a while , your dog will learn its spatial boundaries . Dogs are very adaptable creatures and generally will cooperate with your landscaping ideas. Make sure they have plenty of shade , a place to take a nap outdoors and room to run and you should be fine.

Plants to avoid in a dog friendly garden

There are some species of plants that can be toxic to dogs . That said, the risk really lies in the habits of your dog. Most dogs exist peacefully with plants and will not chew and bite them. Even if your dog is a chronic chewer , you can relieve your anxiety by giving them dog bones that keep them busy for hours.

That said , there are some plants that should give you pause. They include lilies, tulips and azaleas . When ingested , these plants can cause serious digestive problems for your pet , so be cautious . For most however, if your dog is well exercised every day , they really will not be inclined to chew on plants.


Designing a dog -friendly garden is well worth the time for you and your pet. You will be able to match your preferences landscape with your dog's habits by following a few simple tips.

Examine how your dog interacts with your outdoor space and plan accordingly. Also, do not forget to exercise your dog properly to help curb their curious nature and avoid harmful behaviors such as chewing and possibly damage your plants.

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