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samedi 28 décembre 2013

Posted by Unknown on 09:08 | No comments
Ways to Make Your Dog Love You,dog
If you think to be lenient on your dog and let him make his way to make your dog likes you then think again . Connections and bonds formed by dogs go well beyond food and occasional petting the dog. Love of dogs comes from an understanding that they are safe and well taken care of by their owners. A dog that is at ease with the owner when it is corrected mistaken and had plenty of time to build strong bond will become very attached to its owner.

Love is more than a feeling , it is the missing link in communication between you and your dog. How do you make your dog love you is the question a million dollars?

- Connections begin to be realized when the puppy is young. This period is generally the brand and the breakthrough time of a relationship. Spend time with the puppy , holding , caressing is an important step that will begin the process of creating a link.

- Do not punish the dog , it does not mean you let the dog get away with mistakes, rather correct , but not to use physical punishment . Dogs learn faster if they understand the reason behind what you are trying to teach them. Hitting a dog because he made a mess on the floor is unnecessary and should be avoided.

- Even if you 're busy, take a break and to spend quality time with your dog. Play a game , run or just walk around your block . This time is not the time to training you can teach your dog a trick, means

- Take authority. Dogs are pack animals who appreciate when someone takes the leadership of the pack. When you are in control of your dog will have someone to look to for guidance .

- Training: This is not for your dog loves you, but part of the process of bond formation . Training is to establish a communication channel. It is easy for your dog if you like to know what you expect of him. Correct behavior to result in praise and with a sense of accomplishment make the dog happy that you are happy with him.

- Understand your dog, it makes him happy and what is not ? What is the dog afraid of? What are their favorite games ? Favorite food? What place does it go? Dogs in many ways are like little children, like them that requires a little effort on your part to understand .

- Do not ignore your dog when you need it most , leaving your dog when he is incapacitated by injury or is suffering from a deadly disease is a very bad move on your part. If your dog served you well over the years and has been there for you through good and bad , is not it deserves the same kind of treatment?

- Finally, provide the dog with basic needs is also a good sign for the dog , it means shelter, food and good health.
Posted by Unknown on 09:05 | No comments
Love me , love my dog,dog
When you fall for someone, you always hope that it is the only and the relationship will be forever. The problem is that you are getting what you share your new significant other . No, this is not some sort of polygamous situation , your new partner has a dog, and you do not know that you are "love me , love my dog" shot.

Do not laugh , animals can cause considerable friction between couples , especially when one member of the pair has a strong attachment to the animal ( or vice versa), and the other element does not work. What if a partner does not even like animals, but the other is devoted to their pet ? There are things that both members of the couple can do to make the relationship more harmonious .

For the pet owner , try to remember that the new person in your life does not have the relationship with your pet that you do, and can not see what is so "great" animal first. They were not there when your pet you comforted during illness , or made ??you smile after a really difficult day. They will need time to warm to your pet - and your pet will need time to warm up to them. Make sure your pet is well-behaved when your new significant presence of the other . Obedience classes for dogs may be necessary if the behavior is a real problem. Do not force your pet to your new boyfriend or girlfriend, but allow the relationship to develop slowly.

To the new partner , try and remember that this animal is very important for the new person in your life. Just because you do not share this depth of feeling does not mean that you have the right to reject it . Our feelings for our pets are some of the most powerful and visceral in our lives, often similar to emotions we have for our children. Make an effort to learn about the animal, but do not force yourself on her, most animals will see if someone who is " trying too hard " , and be wary of forced emotions. Offer to do things where you can include animal behavior allows your partner , such as hiking or walking on the beach. If your new partner has a cat, have play sessions with interesting toys. Delicious treats are a great way to have a pet look forward to your presence , too.

With a little effort on both sides , a " love me , love my dog" could end up being made ??in heaven .
Posted by Unknown on 09:02 | 2 comments
Understanding Men - Treat your man like a dog and undying devotion Get,dog
Never had a new puppy? This is a difficult business to get the best from your dog so that you both enjoy and love each other . Building a relationship of trust and reliability needs work ! Understanding puppies is the same as the understanding of men.

If you leave your new dog run free without worrying about the discipline or training , there will be shit and puddles all over the house . It is sorting something available without a care in the world and he will flee without casting a glance over his shoulder. You will most likely very happily begging for food and attention in a comfortable , welcoming remains the nearest

If you train your dog properly , he will learn where he can relieve himself and when he can not. He knows he can not run where and with whom they please . He will learn not to bite the hand that feeds .

If you go on your training in the right way, with firmness, but with great rewards for good behavior , your dog will become obedient , affectionate, loyal and your best friend .

The relationship between the owner and the dog is a trust. How can you cultivate this same trust between you and your man ? What should you do to build mutual trust ?

Here is a list of does and don'ts :

Do not be a doormat

Do not be a breeze. Let him know where you stand on the problem of slavery , infidelity , lies and being taken for granted. Be clear , be firm, but do not go on without end about it. Just as you would with a dog, let your man know where your limits are .

Tender and compassionate and sometimes show Tough Love

Be love, but never be afraid to be tough if necessary. Never let your emotions interfere with your training. No matter how cute and cuddly it is ..... it is still a dog.

Never, never tell anyone a secret Your Man told you .

If your man finds you told a secret he shared with you , there you fully trust again . In fact , the relationship may well be condemned because it will not thrive in an open relationship where he will tell you everything . Do not succumb to this act of treason

Never contradict or embarrass public .

It could act like a jerk , but your reflex and loyalty dictates that you do not express your criticism in public. If you belittle him, especially in front of his friends, he will feel and distrust you .

Never use things that you say against him

It will never trust and confide in you if he thinks he will eventually become ammunition. Do not do it.

Rein In The erratic emotions

Men simply do not understand the wild emotional swings. Neither do dogs. Keep a lid on screaming , hysteria and general emotional scandalous behavior. Pick up some evening primrose oil or something for those moments of PMT.

sexual Confidence

Consider delivering some of his sexual demands , unless they are too painful or out . You'll probably enjoy anyway, but sexual confidence is a major manufacturer of connection. Sex slave ? No. sexual confidence ? Yes.
Posted by Unknown on 08:59 | No comments
How to let the dogs you love them,dog
Depending on how close attention you pay for your pets , you might be surprised how dogs can be insightful regarding your behavior. Because most dogs are so eager to meet your needs , here are some tips to help you show your dog that you love .

Firstly , animals and keep your dog in a loving way . One of the best ways each of us can show care and appreciation is a simple hug or pat on the back . Touch is not just a physical feeling. Touch is very well connected to our emotions of love and acceptance , and it operates at a higher level between dogs and humans because we can not talk directly to each other.

To apply this technique to your dog , try to leave the place next to your or sit on your lap ( if they are small ) . You can also gently caress for no reason at all . The reasoning is important here. Do not pet your dog when he 's good . Show your dog that you love him / her , even when they do nothing . In the same vein , greet your dog when you see them with a hug - especially when you have not seen them for a long time .

Another way to show affection to your dog is to take a walk. Unfortunately this is an area most pet owners neglect . Walks are a source of pleasure for most dogs, but more importantly , a walk can be a way to connect with your dog through mutual activity you throw together . For example, it is not you simply take a stick and have your dog look . However, it is an activity that you both as one.

A third way to show your dog you love is to surprise everyone from time to time with different types of sweets. An example of this could be as simple as giving them a processing novice (or other preferred treatment of dog they have ) or take them to visit other friends of dog they have . Who knows, maybe you even get a companion to keep them company .

The last method I would like to discuss is to talk to your dog. Dogs like for you to contact them and if you give reassurance speak in a "good" voice, you let them know they are in your favor , which is something they enjoy.
Posted by Unknown on 08:55 | No comments
Anyone who shares their life with a dog knows that they area a family member . As such, they should be comfortable in your living space , including your garden. Here are some simple tips for creating a garden friendly dog that you and your best friend will love ...

What is a Dog Friendly Garden?

The most important thing to consider when creating a garden of your dog love factor are their personal habits . Your dog is curious by nature ? Do they like to dig and chew ? How much space do they need to run around and explore ?

Examine your dogs habits and research the breed if necessary. If your dog likes to dig , like a lighter, for example, you want hardy plants that are easy to replant. Similarly, if your furry friend loves to gallop full time to time, it is important to give your pet enough space to move and run.

A dog friendly garden is essentially a living space outdoors that you and your pet can enjoy. The safety of your dog is paramount if you want to choose plants that are not harmful to animals if swallowed importance . From your point of view, you do not want to constantly replace damaged plants and flowers , so consider your pets habits when choosing places to plant .

Choose your plants

When you own a dog, chances are they will be the opportunity to interact with your plants when running , extracting , or play . Choose hardy species that can withstand a little rough housing. Also, think about where your dog likes to nap and eliminate. You want your prized plants damaged by their daily routine.

If you have a boy dog ??, choose plants that are free from nitrogen in the urine. Boy dogs mark their territory , so that your plants will be sprayed now and again . Some types of plants are protected , such as viburnum and spirea . Interestingly, shrub roses are a great choice . Not only are they strong and sturdy , but they are virtually immune to dog urine .

After a while , your dog will learn its spatial boundaries . Dogs are very adaptable creatures and generally will cooperate with your landscaping ideas. Make sure they have plenty of shade , a place to take a nap outdoors and room to run and you should be fine.

Plants to avoid in a dog friendly garden

There are some species of plants that can be toxic to dogs . That said, the risk really lies in the habits of your dog. Most dogs exist peacefully with plants and will not chew and bite them. Even if your dog is a chronic chewer , you can relieve your anxiety by giving them dog bones that keep them busy for hours.

That said , there are some plants that should give you pause. They include lilies, tulips and azaleas . When ingested , these plants can cause serious digestive problems for your pet , so be cautious . For most however, if your dog is well exercised every day , they really will not be inclined to chew on plants.


Designing a dog -friendly garden is well worth the time for you and your pet. You will be able to match your preferences landscape with your dog's habits by following a few simple tips.

Examine how your dog interacts with your outdoor space and plan accordingly. Also, do not forget to exercise your dog properly to help curb their curious nature and avoid harmful behaviors such as chewing and possibly damage your plants.

Posted by Unknown on 08:49 | No comments

There are people who feel that their lives become full due to others. For some , it is not the people who make your life complete , but the animal is considered man 's best friend : dogs. Even the late American wildlife photographer and conservationist , author and television personality Roger Caras said in a quote that " Dogs are not our whole life , but they make our lives whole .There is no doubt that dogs are one of the favorite pets around the world . However, there are times when our canine companions become more of a cause of problems rather than make us happy pet owners. This is when the dogs disciplinary knowledge becomes very important. The following tips can help stop unwanted and even harmful conduct:Affirm his being the leader of the pack - As ' Dog Whisperer ' Cesar Millan always puts on his shows on TV, you have to be a leader of the herd calm but firm. It must be clear to your dog that you are the Alpha , the head to follow. There are several ways you can assert your pack leadership. Some forms can work with others, while others do not . The conclusion is that your dog has to realize that you are the one in charge , not him .Let him know what you are doing is bad - Certain misbehaviors continue because they are allowed to continue . Always correct a dog each time the undesirable behavior is exhibited . Sometime you do not even have to say a word to tell you what you are doing is unacceptable. With proper training , you can post a certain sound from your mouth ( Millán only utters " psst ! ' The term ) or raise your hand or finger pointing and he will answer it to discontinue the behavior.You must be a consequence of the misconduct - Your pet dog must realize that he will not get away with bad behavior without appropriate consequence . The penalty , however , should not be so severe as to inflict pain on animals . Simple and pain-free results can be implemented as allowing him to play with his toys or keep it confined to his home more than usual . Is this your way of saying, ' This is what you get for being naughty, friend. 'Use a shock collar , but only in moderation - A shock collar is a device that is tied around the neck of a dog that offers various intensities of electric shock through a remote control. It is commonly used to stop the annoying behavior such as excessive barking. Just be careful with the use of these collars and make sure they are linked to right. Use them only when really necessary .Hopefully, with these tips, you 'll be on your way to properly and effectively disciplining your beloved dog

dimanche 22 décembre 2013

Posted by Unknown on 08:52 in , , | No comments
Each year wait for spring. The smell in the air with all that comes to life at the same time is truly magical . As I 'm basking in the glory of what is to come , my thoughts inevitably leads to the darkest of spring , which is next thunderstorms . The spring and summer storms are not only a very stressful thing for people but may also be a fear for your dog.I know every dog has no fear of them . In fact, you can probably safely say that most dogs are not (I had a Pug who liked to go outside when it was storming ) . However, a minority of dogs that are affected with this fear can not only make sick stress can also make it uncomfortable for their owners. This is just a short list of some of the anxieties that your dog may experience:
Posted by Unknown on 08:48 in , , | No comments
There are people who feel that their lives become full due to others. For some , it is not the people who make your life complete , but the animal is considered man 's best friend : dogs. Even the late American wildlife photographer and conservationist , author and television personality Roger Caras said in a quote that " Dogs are not our whole life , but they make our lives whole .There is no doubt that dogs are one of the favorite pets around the world . However, there are times when our canine companions become more of a cause of problems rather than make us happy pet owners. This is when the dogs disciplinary knowledge becomes very important. The following tips can help stop unwanted and even harmful conduct:Affirm his being the leader of the pack - As ' Dog Whisperer ' Cesar Millan always puts on his shows on TV, you have to be a leader of the herd calm but firm. It must be clear to your dog that you are the Alpha , the head to follow. There are several ways you can assert your pack leadership. Some forms can work with others, while others do not . The conclusion is that your dog has to realize that you are the one in charge , not him .Let him know what you are doing is bad - Certain misbehaviors continue because they are allowed to continue . Always correct a dog each time the undesirable behavior is exhibited . Sometime you do not even have to say a word to tell you what you are doing is unacceptable. With proper training , you can post a certain sound from your mouth ( Millán only utters " psst ! ' The term ) or raise your hand or finger pointing and he will answer it to discontinue the behavior.You must be a consequence of the misconduct - Your pet dog must realize that he will not get away with bad behavior without appropriate consequence . The penalty , however , should not be so severe as to inflict pain on animals . Simple and pain-free results can be implemented as allowing him to play with his toys or keep it confined to his home more than usual . Is this your way of saying, ' This is what you get for being naughty, friend. 'Use a shock collar , but only in moderation - A shock collar is a device that is tied around the neck of a dog that offers various intensities of electric shock through a remote control. It is commonly used to stop the annoying behavior such as excessive barking. Just be careful with the use of these collars and make sure they are linked to right. Use them only when really necessary .Hopefully, with these tips, you 'll be on your way to properly and effectively disciplining your beloved dog
Posted by Unknown on 08:45 in , , | No comments
Are you looking for the best possible dog clothes and pet supplies for your favorite dog? Clothing and accessories can help make your pet stand out from others. A well dressed pet will also ensure that you get a lot of attention and satisfaction. There are many options available to choose from you are sure to get confused . After all, there are clothes for all seasons and occasions, plus there are pet food , such as collars , beds , toys , leashes , food and dog health products available to buy . Be sure to use the following tips to buy clothes for your dog so that you make the right decision:
1. What is the size of your pet and build ? Choose a costume that fits her. Every breed of dog has a unique structure with certain body parts that are relatively larger or smaller than other races. The idea of ​​one size fits all does not apply to clothing for dogs. While dogs tend to feel suffocated in tight clothing , which also do not like flappy and loose clothing that can make them stumble.
2 . Is your pet comfortable wearing clothes ? If not, then you have to gradually introduce different outfits , beginning with small objects that are relatively easy to carry. If your pet responds well to these elements , then you can enter more after a while . If your pet is kept biting or scratching clothing, then you should remove it immediately.
3 . Buy made ​​from high quality fabrics apparel only. Anything less than the highest quality, whether you buy pure cotton or blended fabrics will not be comfortable for your pet. Certain species of dogs overheat more than others and therefore should be dressed with care.
April . Security is a major concern . The clothes you buy should be of fireproof material. They must also be free of beads and other embellishments like pockets , buttons and pins that can be bitten and swallowed. It is also a good idea to avoid buying clothes that have zippers as they can harm your pet when entangled in your skin , as it surely will.
May . Stick to your budget so that you do not spend too much money . If you can buy dog clothes really cheap quality , then you will be able to collect a large amount of equipment for your pet.
You'll be very happy with buying dog clothes if you put a lot of consideration in choosing them .
Posted by Unknown on 08:39 in , , | No comments
Do you love your dog? Dogs are among the most enjoyable pets to have around , and rightly so. Dogs make great friends, and you should be your best friend in return. Large breeds of dogs especially become the constant companion of a person. The following tips will help you become the best friend of her dog. In return , you receive the love and companionship just a well mannered dog can provide.

Dog -proof your home - Make sure your home is dog-proof . Your home must be absolutely certain before taking any household pet . Make sure nothing is saved deemed unsafe safely. Obviously , this includes any type of cleaning products for home and potentially toxic chemicals. Some houseplants are also be harmful to pets too , and should also be taken out of the house or placed out of reach of your canine friend .

Feeding your dog - vet Asking what kind of foods you should avoid offering your dog . Be careful when planning meals for your pet. While what some people feed their own dogs are in tune with veterinary guidelines , too much of a good thing will make your doggy companion a little chubby .

Advice on adopting a dog - Whether or not you decide to adopt a dog from a shelter , you may have to bring your new friend to the vet as soon as possible. Dogs can be exposed to a variety of viruses and infections. Sometimes these viruses and infections can cause unexpected consequences. They make sure your dog's vaccinations are up to date before you bring it home . Shelters and reputable breeders , of course, have been vaccinated and provided no veterinary care to your new puppy friend before being given up for adoption or sale. So seek shelter or reputable breeder.

Provide your dog with plenty of company - Do not let your family dog ​​to stay out of the house all day. Dogs are pack animals and need companionship and affection of their owners . A dog left alone , either inside or outside for long periods of time get lonely and stressed. Also note that your pet should be brought inside to avoid damage from bad weather and extreme temperatures .

Groom your dog regularly - Any brush or comb can be used to smooth the skin of your dog before cutting . Be sure to trim around the legs of your pet , so no skin is tangled up. If you feel uncomfortable trimming your dog 's hair , find a professional pet groomer to do it for you.
The best friend a dog can have is your own . The suggestions offered in this article not only make you more responsible owner to dog, but a good friend for your dog too. While it may be partial to large breeds of dogs, dogs of all shapes and large sizes companions for their owners and their families. Your dog wants a happy and healthy life, and by using these tips will make your happier and healthier life too.
Posted by Unknown on 08:35 in , , | No comments
You may be doing a disservice to your dog if you think that people who buy your dog a coat are too indulgent and silly .But dogs are descended from wolves are not they? It pampering nor imagine needing additional layers and pampering cold weather , right?Breeds of dogs today carry mostly little resemblance to their lupine ancestors , largely because humans have bred out these hardy characteristics, needs , therefore , have substantially changed over the centuries .So the dogs really need a coat?Small dogs who suffer the cold. Breeds like Chihuahuas and small terriers just do not have the body mass to beat the cold. Lean dogs , short haired like greyhounds and whippets can also get the chills.Dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors , or who live should also have additional protection against the elements - remember that even large breeds lose heat through their less hairy bellies.Dogs and cats recovering from illness older are definitely more susceptible to cold - some thought to buying a winter coat between these poor guys to make your life a little more comfortable .What kind of dog coat to buy ?The fabrics used today for dog coats are as technical as those used in human clothing - you can buy dog coats are breathable , waterproof and windproof, so above the range for protection your dog, search dog coats with any of these properties.Give some routine maintenance , too. If your dog is very active, your winter coat could quickly become muddy , so check all the dog coat you purchase can be washed at home and will not have too long to dry.Getting a good fitBrands sell good quality dog coats in a variety of sizes, it is important to get a good fit possible. Your dog should have freedom of movement and be able to walk, run and do their business with ease.The best way to measure your dog for a layer is to make sure you are standing square and facing forward . Measured from the point where the head joins the collar to the point where it joins the body tail . For breeds such as Staffies deep chest , measure around your chest at the deepest point and also check the measurement around the dog's neck .With all these measures , you should be able to verify that all the layer you buy will be long enough to cover the back of your dog , deep enough to cover their faces and not too snug fit around your neck.Winter can be a great time to get outdoors with your dog. Make sure it is as warm and comfortable as you are and you both have a fun and happy ride.
Posted by Unknown on 08:31 in , , , | No comments
Using the Internet to grow your dog training business is a great way to create value and customers at very low cost , and become an "expert " on the road .Four simple ideas that I really like is the website , newsletter, blog and article submissions1. A website is a very necessary element for any business today. Years ago we used the printed brochure to tell people about our business . They were going to call , to give them some information and then asked if they would send me a brochure . Today our brochure is our website. We can change as often as we like adding new information , change in price and the offer of new services. The website is much cheaper than the brochure, and do not have to keep printing new brochures every time we make a change.2 . The benefit of a free electronic newsletter is to allow you to reach your audience without waiting for them to come to you. Newsletters are usually very effective short and now have valuable information in them. People are so stressed by the time anything over a page in length , unless it is very specific to the reader's interest , is too long. I think a newsletter two paragraphs a week is much better than a two-page newsletter once a month . Frequency is a winner, and giving people a way to link back to your web site or phone number every week is a great strategy .3 . A blog allows you to go deeper, more personal , and to cover more topics that the reader wants. The best part of a blog are the comments that readers den - they strengthen your core message and you will learn faster what you want your reader / customer . You can always connect your blog to your newsletter and on your website . Links to other blogs is also a great way to increase traffic and value.April . Another way to grow your business is writing articles on dog training and submit them to EzineArticles.com . Write original articles will allow people to see that you have knowledge of dog training and is an expert in the field of dog training.When you make a healthy combination of websites, newsletters , blogs and article submissions often will end up with enough content to create a product that can be sold , and better yet a list of prospects ( readers and listeners ) who will buy !Let's talk about how to create a list of prospects in another article.

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