Witch One Of This Solutions You chose ????

vendredi 31 janvier 2014

Posted by Unknown on 09:39 in , , , | No comments

Popular Dog Breeds list dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictures

list dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictures

dog breeds : Select the type of dog you should take as a pet is very important. A lot of people do not know that they dog pictures have different strains of different temperaments . May not be certain breeds for families with children , dog breeds while others would be perfect .dog pictures In this article , I describe five of the most popular breeds of dogs that are . These are the races that most families , these dogs have a very good mood and good with children List of dog breeds.
• Beagle - List of dog breeds is the lightest in the category of small dogs and medium-sized businesses . Its color is mostly white with black and brown areas . Beagle has a very sweet temperament and wonderful with children .List of dog breeds It does not require a lot of exercise , but it is prone to weight gain. dog pictures Another factor in the popularity of the lighter may have contributed , is Snoopy , a popular figure in the comic strip List of dog breeds.
• dog breeds Golden Retriever - dog pictures were bred these dogs to be hunting dogs . But because of the excellent temperament , List of dog breeds which was domesticated pets were fantastic . There are different types of golden retriever , dog pictures but they all have the same settings, eager to please . You must be careful to do each week to reduce leakage .
• Sponsor - dog pictures these dogs serve a variety of purposes. I'm sure that many of you may have seen sniffer dogs , police dogs , guide dogs for the blind and many others. This is because these dogs are very smart . dog pictures They are among the most intelligent dogs are the third most . With proper training , dog breeds will not cause a problem for the family . Dogs are very loyal , but they are also very territorial as well dog pictures .

samedi 25 janvier 2014

Posted by Unknown on 09:05 in , , | No comments

The pressing question on every dog food shopper’s mind is what’s the best dog food?
Listed below are the key advantages of choosing the best dog food for your pet’s diet:

vendredi 10 janvier 2014

Posted by Unknown on 09:47 in , , | No comments

Guinness World Records recently awarded the prize of the largest dog in the world to Hercules.? Hercules is an English Mastiff and weighs 128 kg to 97 cm at the withers.? With such a large softball legs (according to

jeudi 2 janvier 2014

Posted by Unknown on 15:45 in , | No comments
Using Food in Dog TrainingTreats. Do any research on dog training methods and inevitably you will come across articles for and against using food in training. I often hear people say dogs shouldn't do things because you have food with you, they should do it for praise alone.
The argument that comes up the most is - I don't want to have to carry treats with me all the time.
When used correctly - you don't.
I don't even use the word "treat" when discussing dog training and reinforcement. To me that word implies something special or indulgent. Using food in training is not an indulgence.
I don't want to get too technical but reinforcers can be primary (related to biology) - food, sex, water or secondary (have been paired with primary reinforcers) - toys, games, praise, touch (the list is not exclusive). Here is where many people get confused. A reward is tangible. It can be primary or secondary - food, water, toy, tug, fetch. It's considered a reinforcer only if it serves to increase or strengthen a behaviour. Because food is a primary reinforcer, when you pair it with praise, eventually the praise becomes reinforcing as well and you phase out the food reward. Praise alone, (without that pairing), is often not enough to change behaviour for most dogs (there are always exceptions).
I use food the same way I use the opportunity to engage in tug or a game of chase. If it's something the dog wants, it can be used as a reward to increase (reinforce) the likelihood of a behaviour occurring again. If the dog doesn't particularly love the reward, it won't work to reinforce the behaviour because the dog doesn't see it as reinforcing.
Lackluster response can often be traced back to lack of motivation - the reward is not seen as valuable enough to provide reinforcement (desire to perform).
I'm still trying to figure out why so many trainers and non trainers expect our dogs to do something just because we ask them to. Why is looking for a way to motivate our dogs seen as a negative? It should be the first thing we think of.
First scenario: my employer asks for a volunteer to work over the weekend and says there is a bonus at the end. I volunteer and on Monday I receive a coupon for a fast food restaurant. That is not reinforcing enough for me to volunteer again in the future. My "volunteering behaviour" does not increase.
Second scenario: I volunteer to work the entire weekend and am presented with a day at the spa. That reward is something valuable to me and I am more likely to volunteer again when asked. My "volunteering behaviour" is strengthened and is likely to increase.
Whether using food or toys or walks or chase games, we need to think of whether or not it's something our dog will find reinforcing. You will have far greater success if you motivate rather than intimidate.

Using Food in Dog Training Do some research on dog training methods and inevitably encounter articles for and against the use of food in training. I often hear people say that dogs should not do things because you have food with you , should do so only praise .
Using Food in Dog Training The argument I hear most is - I do not want to have to carry treats with me all the time.
Using Food in Dog Training When used properly - you do not .
Not even use the word "cure " when talking about Using Food in Dog Training and reinforcement. For me , this word means something special and indulgent. The use of food in training is not a luxury Using Food in Dog Training.
Using Food in Dog Training I'm not very technical, but I can be primary reinforcers ( related to biology ) - food , sex , water or secondary ( were paired with primary reinforcers ) - toys , games , praise , touch ( the list is not exhaustive ) Using Food in Dog Training .

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