Witch One Of This Solutions You chose ????

vendredi 31 janvier 2014

Posted by Unknown on 09:39 in , , , | No comments

Popular Dog Breeds list dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictureslist dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictures

list dog breeds, dog breeds, dog breedspictures

dog breeds : Select the type of dog you should take as a pet is very important. A lot of people do not know that they dog pictures have different strains of different temperaments . May not be certain breeds for families with children , dog breeds while others would be perfect .dog pictures In this article , I describe five of the most popular breeds of dogs that are . These are the races that most families , these dogs have a very good mood and good with children List of dog breeds.
• Beagle - List of dog breeds is the lightest in the category of small dogs and medium-sized businesses . Its color is mostly white with black and brown areas . Beagle has a very sweet temperament and wonderful with children .List of dog breeds It does not require a lot of exercise , but it is prone to weight gain. dog pictures Another factor in the popularity of the lighter may have contributed , is Snoopy , a popular figure in the comic strip List of dog breeds.
• dog breeds Golden Retriever - dog pictures were bred these dogs to be hunting dogs . But because of the excellent temperament , List of dog breeds which was domesticated pets were fantastic . There are different types of golden retriever , dog pictures but they all have the same settings, eager to please . You must be careful to do each week to reduce leakage .
• Sponsor - dog pictures these dogs serve a variety of purposes. I'm sure that many of you may have seen sniffer dogs , police dogs , guide dogs for the blind and many others. This is because these dogs are very smart . dog pictures They are among the most intelligent dogs are the third most . With proper training , dog breeds will not cause a problem for the family . Dogs are very loyal , but they are also very territorial as well dog pictures .

samedi 25 janvier 2014

Posted by Unknown on 09:05 in , , | No comments

The pressing question on every dog food shopper’s mind is what’s the best dog food?
Listed below are the key advantages of choosing the best dog food for your pet’s diet:

vendredi 10 janvier 2014

Posted by Unknown on 09:47 in , , | No comments

Guinness World Records recently awarded the prize of the largest dog in the world to Hercules.? Hercules is an English Mastiff and weighs 128 kg to 97 cm at the withers.? With such a large softball legs (according to

jeudi 2 janvier 2014

Posted by Unknown on 15:45 in , | No comments
Using Food in Dog TrainingTreats. Do any research on dog training methods and inevitably you will come across articles for and against using food in training. I often hear people say dogs shouldn't do things because you have food with you, they should do it for praise alone.
The argument that comes up the most is - I don't want to have to carry treats with me all the time.
When used correctly - you don't.
I don't even use the word "treat" when discussing dog training and reinforcement. To me that word implies something special or indulgent. Using food in training is not an indulgence.
I don't want to get too technical but reinforcers can be primary (related to biology) - food, sex, water or secondary (have been paired with primary reinforcers) - toys, games, praise, touch (the list is not exclusive). Here is where many people get confused. A reward is tangible. It can be primary or secondary - food, water, toy, tug, fetch. It's considered a reinforcer only if it serves to increase or strengthen a behaviour. Because food is a primary reinforcer, when you pair it with praise, eventually the praise becomes reinforcing as well and you phase out the food reward. Praise alone, (without that pairing), is often not enough to change behaviour for most dogs (there are always exceptions).
I use food the same way I use the opportunity to engage in tug or a game of chase. If it's something the dog wants, it can be used as a reward to increase (reinforce) the likelihood of a behaviour occurring again. If the dog doesn't particularly love the reward, it won't work to reinforce the behaviour because the dog doesn't see it as reinforcing.
Lackluster response can often be traced back to lack of motivation - the reward is not seen as valuable enough to provide reinforcement (desire to perform).
I'm still trying to figure out why so many trainers and non trainers expect our dogs to do something just because we ask them to. Why is looking for a way to motivate our dogs seen as a negative? It should be the first thing we think of.
First scenario: my employer asks for a volunteer to work over the weekend and says there is a bonus at the end. I volunteer and on Monday I receive a coupon for a fast food restaurant. That is not reinforcing enough for me to volunteer again in the future. My "volunteering behaviour" does not increase.
Second scenario: I volunteer to work the entire weekend and am presented with a day at the spa. That reward is something valuable to me and I am more likely to volunteer again when asked. My "volunteering behaviour" is strengthened and is likely to increase.
Whether using food or toys or walks or chase games, we need to think of whether or not it's something our dog will find reinforcing. You will have far greater success if you motivate rather than intimidate.

Using Food in Dog Training Do some research on dog training methods and inevitably encounter articles for and against the use of food in training. I often hear people say that dogs should not do things because you have food with you , should do so only praise .
Using Food in Dog Training The argument I hear most is - I do not want to have to carry treats with me all the time.
Using Food in Dog Training When used properly - you do not .
Not even use the word "cure " when talking about Using Food in Dog Training and reinforcement. For me , this word means something special and indulgent. The use of food in training is not a luxury Using Food in Dog Training.
Using Food in Dog Training I'm not very technical, but I can be primary reinforcers ( related to biology ) - food , sex , water or secondary ( were paired with primary reinforcers ) - toys , games , praise , touch ( the list is not exhaustive ) Using Food in Dog Training .

samedi 28 décembre 2013

Posted by Unknown on 09:08 | No comments
Ways to Make Your Dog Love You,dog
If you think to be lenient on your dog and let him make his way to make your dog likes you then think again . Connections and bonds formed by dogs go well beyond food and occasional petting the dog. Love of dogs comes from an understanding that they are safe and well taken care of by their owners. A dog that is at ease with the owner when it is corrected mistaken and had plenty of time to build strong bond will become very attached to its owner.

Love is more than a feeling , it is the missing link in communication between you and your dog. How do you make your dog love you is the question a million dollars?

- Connections begin to be realized when the puppy is young. This period is generally the brand and the breakthrough time of a relationship. Spend time with the puppy , holding , caressing is an important step that will begin the process of creating a link.

- Do not punish the dog , it does not mean you let the dog get away with mistakes, rather correct , but not to use physical punishment . Dogs learn faster if they understand the reason behind what you are trying to teach them. Hitting a dog because he made a mess on the floor is unnecessary and should be avoided.

- Even if you 're busy, take a break and to spend quality time with your dog. Play a game , run or just walk around your block . This time is not the time to training you can teach your dog a trick, means

- Take authority. Dogs are pack animals who appreciate when someone takes the leadership of the pack. When you are in control of your dog will have someone to look to for guidance .

- Training: This is not for your dog loves you, but part of the process of bond formation . Training is to establish a communication channel. It is easy for your dog if you like to know what you expect of him. Correct behavior to result in praise and with a sense of accomplishment make the dog happy that you are happy with him.

- Understand your dog, it makes him happy and what is not ? What is the dog afraid of? What are their favorite games ? Favorite food? What place does it go? Dogs in many ways are like little children, like them that requires a little effort on your part to understand .

- Do not ignore your dog when you need it most , leaving your dog when he is incapacitated by injury or is suffering from a deadly disease is a very bad move on your part. If your dog served you well over the years and has been there for you through good and bad , is not it deserves the same kind of treatment?

- Finally, provide the dog with basic needs is also a good sign for the dog , it means shelter, food and good health.
Posted by Unknown on 09:05 | No comments
Love me , love my dog,dog
When you fall for someone, you always hope that it is the only and the relationship will be forever. The problem is that you are getting what you share your new significant other . No, this is not some sort of polygamous situation , your new partner has a dog, and you do not know that you are "love me , love my dog" shot.

Do not laugh , animals can cause considerable friction between couples , especially when one member of the pair has a strong attachment to the animal ( or vice versa), and the other element does not work. What if a partner does not even like animals, but the other is devoted to their pet ? There are things that both members of the couple can do to make the relationship more harmonious .

For the pet owner , try to remember that the new person in your life does not have the relationship with your pet that you do, and can not see what is so "great" animal first. They were not there when your pet you comforted during illness , or made ??you smile after a really difficult day. They will need time to warm to your pet - and your pet will need time to warm up to them. Make sure your pet is well-behaved when your new significant presence of the other . Obedience classes for dogs may be necessary if the behavior is a real problem. Do not force your pet to your new boyfriend or girlfriend, but allow the relationship to develop slowly.

To the new partner , try and remember that this animal is very important for the new person in your life. Just because you do not share this depth of feeling does not mean that you have the right to reject it . Our feelings for our pets are some of the most powerful and visceral in our lives, often similar to emotions we have for our children. Make an effort to learn about the animal, but do not force yourself on her, most animals will see if someone who is " trying too hard " , and be wary of forced emotions. Offer to do things where you can include animal behavior allows your partner , such as hiking or walking on the beach. If your new partner has a cat, have play sessions with interesting toys. Delicious treats are a great way to have a pet look forward to your presence , too.

With a little effort on both sides , a " love me , love my dog" could end up being made ??in heaven .
Posted by Unknown on 09:02 | 2 comments
Understanding Men - Treat your man like a dog and undying devotion Get,dog
Never had a new puppy? This is a difficult business to get the best from your dog so that you both enjoy and love each other . Building a relationship of trust and reliability needs work ! Understanding puppies is the same as the understanding of men.

If you leave your new dog run free without worrying about the discipline or training , there will be shit and puddles all over the house . It is sorting something available without a care in the world and he will flee without casting a glance over his shoulder. You will most likely very happily begging for food and attention in a comfortable , welcoming remains the nearest

If you train your dog properly , he will learn where he can relieve himself and when he can not. He knows he can not run where and with whom they please . He will learn not to bite the hand that feeds .

If you go on your training in the right way, with firmness, but with great rewards for good behavior , your dog will become obedient , affectionate, loyal and your best friend .

The relationship between the owner and the dog is a trust. How can you cultivate this same trust between you and your man ? What should you do to build mutual trust ?

Here is a list of does and don'ts :

Do not be a doormat

Do not be a breeze. Let him know where you stand on the problem of slavery , infidelity , lies and being taken for granted. Be clear , be firm, but do not go on without end about it. Just as you would with a dog, let your man know where your limits are .

Tender and compassionate and sometimes show Tough Love

Be love, but never be afraid to be tough if necessary. Never let your emotions interfere with your training. No matter how cute and cuddly it is ..... it is still a dog.

Never, never tell anyone a secret Your Man told you .

If your man finds you told a secret he shared with you , there you fully trust again . In fact , the relationship may well be condemned because it will not thrive in an open relationship where he will tell you everything . Do not succumb to this act of treason

Never contradict or embarrass public .

It could act like a jerk , but your reflex and loyalty dictates that you do not express your criticism in public. If you belittle him, especially in front of his friends, he will feel and distrust you .

Never use things that you say against him

It will never trust and confide in you if he thinks he will eventually become ammunition. Do not do it.

Rein In The erratic emotions

Men simply do not understand the wild emotional swings. Neither do dogs. Keep a lid on screaming , hysteria and general emotional scandalous behavior. Pick up some evening primrose oil or something for those moments of PMT.

sexual Confidence

Consider delivering some of his sexual demands , unless they are too painful or out . You'll probably enjoy anyway, but sexual confidence is a major manufacturer of connection. Sex slave ? No. sexual confidence ? Yes.

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